Love this poss!
Love this poss!
Still can't get enough of this one. Just one of the best anthro pieces I've seen in recent years due to its simplicity.
i feel like i've strayed from that too far.. i'm being subsumed into the 'furry' style and i don't know how to claw my way out
Awesome rab, hope to see more of em.
i hope the same i need to revisit her
Dude you're on NG too?! Awesome, love your work.
Wicked stuff, love the minimal palette!
Freakin love this character and her world dude. Wonderful limited palette!
Dude this absolutely rules! Great job
Fantastic stuff, love your BoTNS art. Makes me wanna do some of my own sometime
Thanks as always! Oh hell yes, please do!!
Always liked this character of yours, super cute!
Love this outfit!
Graphic novelist of high adventure. Arfenhouse voice actor for 3 seconds.
Joined on 11/29/18