Love how sharp and angular this fox is. Really cool simple color palette too
Love how sharp and angular this fox is. Really cool simple color palette too
Freakin awesome work!
Hell yeah Luke, this gotta be one of my biggest faves by you
Yooooo, thanks Reagan. I was hoping you'd like this one tbh lmao
Magnificent work once again sir. Love the color palette here
Freakin tight work!! Such an awesome color palette, and I love how the green under the eyes contrast with everything else.
Dynamic work here!!
Always loved this art of Jonas, especially the subtle astronaut/spacesuit touches to his outfit, which isn't far off from how I imagined him in the book.
One of my biggest faves by you. Excellent stuff
thank you brother
Lovely work Megawolf!!
Love this character!
Graphic novelist of high adventure. Arfenhouse voice actor for 3 seconds.
Joined on 11/29/18